Making Content Intelligent

AI-powered, easy-use, robust, secure, and cloud based content management platform

Koolay's AI streamlines content management, boosting creativity by reducing admin tasks.

45%   of content management tasks could be automated by AI by 2030.

$15 billion   annually could be saved in content creation and management.

20%   increase in click-through rates can be achieved with AI text optimization tools.

5x faster   content production is possible by AI writers compared to human writers.

References:, Persado, McKinsey, Forrester

Silicon Valley AI Innovations:
Harnessing GEN AI and LLM

At Koolay, we combine our proprietary LLM models with advanced OpenAI technologies, driven by our Silicon Valley-based team of AI experts.

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Explore Koolay AI Capabilities

Making Content Intelligent

Liquid: Standardized Template

Customize Front-End Appearance

Easily customize the look and feel of your site's front-end with intuitive design tools.

Instantly Change Colors, CSS, & JS

Update your site's colors, CSS, and JavaScript in real-time to see immediate changes.

Develop New Modules with Liquid

Utilize Liquid to develop and integrate new modules, enhancing your site's functionality.

Centralized Multi-Site Management

With Koolay's Multi-Site Management, effortlessly control multiple sites simultaneously using just a single user account. Easily distribute content across various sites with a few clicks.

For District, Private and Charter Group

Streamline management across all your campuses with a single user interface, allowing simultaneous updates like news, pop-ups, and events. Empower centralized or campus-specific administration through site authorizations.

  • Unified Updates: Manage news, pop-ups, and events across all campuses simultaneously.
  • Flexible Administration: Create admin user groups with the option for campus-based or centralized control.
  • Custom Permissions: Assign module and category-specific permissions to different user groups to enhance security and operational efficiency.
Stellar customer experience

Streamline Your Business Web Site Operations

Efficiently manage your business locations with a unified platform, simplifying tasks like updates, promotions, and event postings through centralized or individual site control.

  • Unified Business Management: Coordinate operations across multiple locations effortlessly.
  • Flexible Administration: Set up user groups with specific control options based on role or location.
  • Custom Permissions: Ensure security and efficiency by assigning tailored access rights.
Centralized Business Management

Centralized Multi-Site Management

Manage complex enterprise operations across global locations with our unified platform, facilitating centralized governance and localized control.

  • Global Operations Management: Oversee and coordinate business activities across all international branches.
  • Adaptive Administration: Configure user roles and permissions to fit diverse business units and geographies.
  • Advanced Access Control: SSO and Implement enterprise-grade security measures to safeguard sensitive information.
Centralized Enterprise Management





Easy to Use

All in One CMS Platform provides a platform that you can use without the need for technical knowledge. Our system, with its easy and understandable interface, offers all the tools you need to manage and update your website. Spend your time not on learning and struggling, but on creating.

Robust Architecture

Efficiency, speed, and reliability are the cornerstones of a good CMS. All in One CMS Platform offers a high-performance and scalable structure. Whether you are a large business or a small blog owner, our platform is designed to meet your needs.


Growing your business should never be limited by your platform. All in One CMS Platform is designed to grow with you. No matter if you're expanding your content, increasing your traffic, or growing your business, our CMS Platform is designed to scale with your needs, making it a future-proof solution for your digital presence.

Advanced Security

The security of your website is our top
priority. All in One CMS Platform is equipped with industry-leading security measures. You won't have to worry about protecting your data and customers. We take care of this for you while you focus on your work.

Prepare Yourself for the Future

Take your place at the forefront of the digital world with the AI-Powered All in One CMS Platform. Experience a new and impressive way to manage your own website. Request a demo today and discover the power of artificial intelligence with Koolay!

Ecosystem Technology Partners

GEN AI and LLM Innovations

The platform utilizes a blend of proprietary and OpenAI models to provide advanced AI services, enriching its capabilities. Additionally, Microsoft Databricks and Microsoft Azure AI technologies play a significant role in this process.

Azure Cloud

Koolay is hosted on a robust Azure infrastructure, focusing on preliability and performance at its core.

Azure CDN

Global content and image delivery are optimized via Azure CDN, ensuring a fast and seamless user experience worldwide.

Cloudflare Security

Web security is powered by Cloudflare, prioritizing the protection of your data and customer interactions.

Liquid Engine Template

Embraces the Liquid template engine for intuitive and flexible design management, setting a new standard in front-end customization.

Koolay Accelerator Programs

Koolay is backed by two powerful accelerator programs: Microsoft's Startup Founder Hub Accelerator and NVIDIA's AI Inception Program. With the support of these programs, Koolay has developed innovative solutions that significantly boost our journey in innovation and excellence within the tech ecosystem.